
#Nanoinformatics is the science and practice of determining which information is relevant to the #nanoscale science and #engineering community, and then developing and implementing effective mechanisms for collecting, storing, validating, modelling, applying, analysing and sharing that information. Nano informatics also involves the utilization of networked communication tools to launch and support efficient communities of practice. Nanoinformatics is necessary for intelligent development and comparative characterization of nanomaterials, for design and use of optimized #Nanodevices and# Nanosystems, and for development of advanced instrumentation and manufacturing processes.



  • Consortium for Coordinating Nanomaterials Research Data
  • Nanomaterials Development Using Nanoinformatics
  • Meta data for Cross-discipline, Cross-sector Information Exchange
  • Meta-crawler for Mining Nanotechnology Repositories and Open Access Sources
  • Nano SAR Education and Dissemination
  • Simulation Resources and Challenge

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