Internet of Things (IOT)

The #internet of things, or IoT, is the network of physical devices# interrelated computing devices, #mechanical and #digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with #unique identifiers(UIDs) and the ability to connect, collect and exchange data or transfer data over a network without requiring #human-to-human or #human-to-computer interaction.


  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Transportation
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Consumer application

Related Conference of Internet of Things (IOT)

September 19-20, 2024

11th Global Innovators Summit

London, UK
October 14-15, 2024

5th International Congress onAI and Machine Learning

Paris, France
November 20-21, 2024

5th World Congress on Robotics and Automation

Paris, France

Internet of Things (IOT) Conference Speakers

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