Theme: Moving beyond the analyses of Data Science

Data Mining 2023

Data Mining 2023

Conference series LTD cordially invites all participants across the globe to attend the 10th International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining (Data Mining 2023) which is going to be held during June 14 -15, 2023 at Edinburgh, Scotland to share the knowledge. The main theme of the conference is “Moving beyond the analyses of Data Science".This conference aimed to expand its coverage in the areas of Big Data and Data Mining where expert talks, young researcher’s presentations will be placed in every session of the meeting will be inspired and keep up your enthusiasm. We feel our expert Organizing Committee is our major asset. However, your presence over the venue will add one more feather to the crown of Data Mining 2023.

Data Mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Data Mining 2023 is comprised of the following sessions with 27 tracks and 160 sub-sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues of Big Data and Data Mining. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviours, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. The automated, prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the analyses of past events provided by retrospective tools typical of decision support systems. Data mining tools can answer business questions that traditionally were too time-consuming to resolve.

The target audience for the conference:

  • Business Delegates
  • Industrial Experts
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Base engineers
  • Scientists/Researchers
  • Professors
  • President/Vice president
  • Chairs/Directors
  • Students
  • Experts and Delegates

Young Researchers Forum - Young Scientist Awards Data Mining 2022

Young Research’s Awards at Data Mining 2023 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Data Mining 2021 young research forum.


  • Young Scientist Award recognition certificate and memento to the winners
  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Learn about career improvement with all the latest technologies by networking.
  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.
  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development.
  • Provide an opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the field
  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.
  • It’s a great privilege for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge.



Conference series LTD cordially invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the 10th International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining during June 14-15, 2023. This includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Track 1: Data Mining Applications in Science, Engineering, Healthcare and Medicine

Data mining is the process of discovering patterns to extract information with an intelligent method from a data set and transform the information into a comprehensible structure for further use. Data mining is the detailed examination step of the "knowledge discovery in databases" process. These applications relate Data mining structures in genuine cash related business territory examination, Application of data mining in positioning, Data mining and Web ApplicationEngineering data miningData Mining in securitySocial Data MiningNeural Networks and Data MiningMedical Data MiningData Mining in Healthcare.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 2: Big Data in Nursing Research

With advances in technologies, nurse scientists are increasingly generating and using large and complex datasets, sometimes called “Big Data,” to promote and improve Health Conditions. New strategies for collecting and detailed examination large datasets will allow us to better understand the biological, genetic, and behavioural underpinnings of health, and to improve the way we prevent and manage illness.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.


Track 3: Big Data Technologies

Big Data is the name given to huge amounts of data. As the data comes in from a variety of sources, it could be too diverse and too massive for conventional technologies to handle. This makes it very important to have the skills and infrastructure to handle it intelligently. There are many of the big data solutions that are particularly popular right now fit for the use.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 4: Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics probe and analyse huge amounts of data to i.e., big data - to uncover hidden patterns, unknown co-relations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful information that can help organizations make more-informed business decisions. Operate and carry by specialized analytics systems and software, big data analytics can lay the way to various business benefits, including new revenue opportunities, more effective marketing, improved operational efficiency, competitive advantages and better customer service.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.


Track 5: Big Data Algorithm

Big data is data of wide range that it does not fit in the main memory of a single machine, and the need to process big data by organised algorithms arises in machine learningscientific computingsignal processingInternet searchnetwork traffic monitoring and some other areas. Data must be processed with advanced tools (analytics and algorithms) to make meaningful information.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 6: Big Data Optimization

The term Big Data is here: information of immense sizes is getting to be universal. With this, there is a need to take care of advancement issues of exceptional sizes. Machine learningcompacted detectinginformal organization science and computational science are some of meager clear application areas where it is anything but difficult to plan improvement issues with millions or billions of variables. The long-established advance calculations are not intended to scale to occasions of this size, new methodologies are required. 

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 7: Forecasting from Big Data

Big Data is a revolutionary phenomenon has recently gained some attention in response to the availability of unprecedented amounts of data and increasingly sophisticated algorithmic analytic techniques. Big data play a critical role in reshaping the key aspects of forecasting by identifying and reviewing the problems, potential, better predictions, challenges and most importantly the related applications.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 8: Big Data Applications, Challenges and Opportunities

Big data has increased the demand of information management so much that most of the world’s big software companies are investing in software firms specializing in data management and analytics. According to one rough calculation, one-third of the globally stored information is in the form of alphanumeric text and still image data, which is the format most useful for most big data applications. Since most of the data is directly generated in digital format, we have the opportunity and the challenge both to influence the creation to facilitate later linkage and to automatically link previously created data. There are different phases in the Big Data analysis process and some common challenges that underlie many, and sometimes all, of these phases.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 9: Data Mining and Machine Learning

Both data mining and machine learning are rooted in data science and generally fall under that category. They often intersect or are confused with each other, but there are a few key contrasts between the two. The major difference between machine learning and data mining is how they are used and applied in our everyday lives. Data mining can be used for a variety of purposes, including financial research, investing, sales trends and marketing. Machine learning visible form of the principles of data mining, but can also make automatic correlations and learn from them to apply to new algorithms.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 10: Data Mining Methods and Algorithms

Data mining structures and calculations an interdisciplinary subfield of programming building is the computational arrangement of finding case in information sets including techniques like Big Data Search and MiningData Mining Analytics, High execution information mining figuring's, Methodologies on sweeping scale information mining, Methodologies on expansive scale information mining, Big Data and Analytics, Novel Theoretical Models for Big Data.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 11: Data Mining Tools and Software

Information Mining gadgets and programming ventures join Big Data Security and Privacy, Data Mining and Predictive Analytics in Machine Learning, Software Systems and Boundary to Database Systems.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 12: Data Mining Tasks, Processes and Analysis

Information mining undertaking can be shown as a data mining request. A data mining request is portrayed similarly as the data mining task first. This track joins complete examination of mining figuring’s, Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-planningMining on data streamsGraph and sub-outline miningStatistical Methods in Data MiningData Mining Predictive Analytics. The basic calculations in information mining and investigation shape the theory for the developing field of information science, which incorporates robotized techniques to examine examples and models for a wide range of information, with applications widening from logical revelation to business insight and examination.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Related Big Data Conferences of Data Mining Tasks, Processes and Analysis

Track 13: Data Privacy and Ethics

In our e-worldinformation protection and cyber security have gotten to be respective terms. In this business, we have a commitment to secure our customer's information, which has been acquired as per their permission exclusively for their utilization. That is an all-important point if not promptly obvious. There's been a ton of speak of late about Google's new protection approaches, and the discussion rapidly spreads to other Internet beasts like Facebook and how they likewise handle and treat our own data.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 14: Data Warehousing

In computing, a Data Warehouse (DW or DWH), also known as an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), is a system used for reporting and data analysis and is considered a central component of business intelligence. Data Warehouse or Enterprise Data Warehouse is a central repository of integrated data from one or more disparate sources.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 15: Artificial Intelligence

Automated thinking is the data performed by machines or software demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. AI examination is amazingly particular and focus, and is essentially isolated into subfields that a great part of the time hatred to chat with each other. It solidifies Artificial Creative AbilityArtificial Neural structuresAdaptive SystemsCyberneticsOntologies and Knowledge sharing.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 16: Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and more—over the Internet (“the cloud”).  Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coordination and economies of scale, similar to a public utility. Companies offering these computing services are called cloud providers and typically charge for cloud computing services based on usage.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 17: Social Network Analysis

Social network analysis (SNA) is the advancement process of looking at social structures through the use of networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of lumps (individual actors, people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links (relationships or interactions) that connect them.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 18: Business Analytics

Business analytics refers to the skills, technologies, practices for continuous rerun exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. Business analytics is used by companies enact data-driven decision-making.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 19: Internet of Things (IOT)

The internet of things, or IoT, is the network of physical devices interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers(UIDs) and the ability to connect, collect and exchange data or transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 20: Open Data

Open data is the thought that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from patents, copyright or other mechanisms of control. Open data can also be linked data; when it is linked open data, is a method of publishing structured data so that it can be interlinked and become more useful through semantic queries.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 21: New Visualization Techniques

Information representation is seen by numerous orders as a present likeness visual correspondence. It is not held by any one field, yet rather discovers translation crosswise over numerous. It covers the arrangement and investigation of the visual representation of information, indicating "data that has been dreamy in some schematic structure, including attributes or variables for the units of data".

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 22: Search and Data Mining

In the course of recent times, there has been an immense increase in the measure of information being put away in databases and the number of database applications in business and the investigative space. This blast in the measure of electronically put away information was accelerated by the achievement of the social model for putting away information and the improvement and developing of information recovery and control innovations.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 23: Frequent Pattern Mining

Frequent pattern mining (or) Pattern mining consists of using/developing data mining algorithms to discover interesting, unpredicted and useful patterns in databases. Pattern mining algorithms can be applied to different types of data such as sequence databasestransaction databases, streams, strings, spatial data, and graphs. Pattern mining algorithms can be designed to discover various types of patterns such as subgraphs, associations, sequential rules, lattices, sequential patterns, indirect associations, trends, periodic patterns and high-utility patterns.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 24: Clustering

Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of organizing a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 25: Complexity and Algorithms

The uncertainty of a calculation indicates the aggregate time required by the system to rush to finish. The many-sided quality of calculations is most generally communicated using the enormous O documentation. Many-sided quality is most usually assessed by tallying the number of basic capacities performed by the calculation. What's more, since the calculation's execution may change with various sorts of info information, subsequently for a calculation we normally use the most pessimistic scenario multifaceted nature of a calculation since that is the extended time taken for any information size.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.

Track 27: Renewable Energy Forecasting with Big Data

Hybrid Renewable Energy Forecasting (HyRef), which uses big data analytics to predict the appropriable of renewable energy. With the use of this system, help bring more renewable energy to the power grid by predicting the availability of such energy. It uses data gathered from monitoring devices and analytical technology to generate accurate weather forecast within renewable energy system devices.

Related Societies:

Big Data and Society, United Kingdom | Big Data Europe Empowering Communities with Data Technologies, Europe | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany | American Statistical Association, United States | Advanced Analytics Institute, Australia


Data Mining Conferences | Big Data Conferences | Data Analysis Conferences | Business Intelligence Conferences Artificial Intelligence Conferences | Data Mining Conferences 2023 Big Data Conferences 2023 | Big Data Conferences USA | Big Data Innovation Conferences | Machine Learning Conferences | IOT Conferences | Data Science Conferences | Cloud Computing Conferences.



Market Analysis


Businesses are looking to leverage big data to provide better customer service, which can help increase profits. Improving the customer experience is paramount for the best companies. Other points include improved target marketing, reduced costs, and improved process effectiveness. Big data technologies help companies store large amounts of data and offer significant cost advantages. Similar technologies include full analytics and Hadoop.

Over time, big data analytics has evolved with the takeover of agile technology and increased focus on advanced analytics. No single technology encompasses big data analytics. Several technologies work together to help businesses get the best value from their information. Among them are machine learning, artificial intelligence, monetary computing, Hadoop, in-memory analytics and predictive analytics. These technological trends are likely to drive the demand for big data analytics during the forecast period.

Financial services, retail, e-commerce, manufacturing, and telecommunications are some of the major industries using big data results. Business owners are investing less in big data solutions to optimize operations and manage their data businesses. Vendors favour big data solutions for better force chain management.

Big Data-2023


Abstract Submission Criteria and Eligibility


Presentation Requirements:

  • Participating authors are answerable for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with submitted abstracts will get an acknowledgment mail enabling them to enrol for the gathering.
  • Abstracts will be compiled, and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team

Submission Options:

  • Oral paper introductions will have 30-minute schedule time slot. The keynote session will have for 45-minute presentation duration, workshop/special session will have 1-hour long schedule opening and symposium will have 1-hour long availability followed by 5-minute Q&A session.
  • Graduate and master’s understudies are qualified to present their abstracts under poster and e-poster presentation category.
  • Ph.D. understudies are qualified to submit their abstract under special YRF (Young Researcher's Forum), poster and e-poster presentation category.
  • NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students
  • Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques.


Participation Options and Benefits


Participation Options: Data Analysis Conference provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate such as Delegate or Speaker under ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category. Mode of participation is Online through Power Point Presentation/ Video Presentation on Cisco Webinars.

  • Keynote speaker: 45-50 minutes
  • Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)
  • Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (special session): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Delegate (only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of registration
  • Poster presenter:  can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate
  • Remote attendance:  can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation
  • Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes
  • Media partner
  • Sponsor
  • Collaborator

Benefits of Joining Conference:

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  • They’re Archived: Ability to view events in the recording
  • Great resource for learning new career skills
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  • Get your abstracts published with unique DOI in International Journals
  • Get up to 50% discounts for publishing your entire article in our open access International Journals
  • Get Handbooks and conference kits
  • Get an access to the network with eminent personalities from worldwide.


Conference Highlights

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date June 14-15, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View