Karmen Kern Pipan
Ministry of Public Administration, Republic Slovenia
Title: Supporting improvements in decision making process using big data analytics in Ministry of Public Administration of Republic Slovenia
Biography: Karmen Kern Pipan
In 2017 the Ministry of Public Administration of Republic Slovenia (hereafter MPA) in collaboration with international company EMC Dell successfully implemented the pilot project for the use of big data tools. The pilot project - Big Data Analysis for HR efficiency improvement has been established as part of the development oriented strategy supporting ICT as an enabler for development of data driven public administration in Slovenia. This pilot project has been launched aiming to learn what big data tool installed on the Slovenian Governemental Cloud Infrastructure could enable in terms of research of HR data of our ministry to improve our efficiency. Therefore, pseudoanonymized internal data sources containing time management, HR database, finance database and public procurement had been combined with open data (postal codes of employees and weather) to identify potentials for improvement and possible patterns of behaviour. Gained experience showed that big data analytics could help improve the efficiency of MPA in decision-making by using different statistical and quantitative analysis. MPA has continued with projects in this field aiming to spread the gained experience and knowledge of big data tools among public employees by launching trainning programe in Administration Academy. The project has been successfully presented in a series of national and international events and conferences, where it gained considerable interest. The pilot project has been also published in the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) among the most
innovative public sector cases.